Birthday Counter by

Monday, October 23, 2006

Mommy and baby

So yeah this is not a great pic of me but anyway. I took this today of me and Logan.


Logan tries to talk. It is so funny! His little chubby cheeks just like mommy!

Just a swingin

Logan loves to swing! He was trying to sit up by himself he is growing up so fast! He is 2 months and 19 days!!!

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Hello everyone!!!

This is Logan saying hello. I am sorry this is crooked!! I can not figure out how to flip it the right way!!!

Sleeping baby

Logan cuddling with the teddy bear. He loves it!!!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Rubber Ducky.....

Logan loves his ducky! We could not get him to smile in this one, but still absolutely adorable!

Precious Baby

Logan's first photo session and he was loving the naked feeling on this fuzzy blanket!!! This is my absolute favorite picture of all time!!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Floor time

Logan loves to be on the floor! Not a great pic but good enough

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Logan Christopher Campbell

This is our little guy! He is 1 day old in this picture!

Introducing Logan Campbell

Well it finally happened. Logan Christopher Campbell was born on August 4, 2006 at 4:32 am. It was a very long labor process but well worth the wait! I was in labor for 22 1/2 hours. He weighed in at 7.3 pounds and was 19 3/4 inches long. We are at home and doing great!

Friday, July 21, 2006

Latest baby news

Well I had another doctor appointment on Tuesday and he told me that I am 2 cm dialated and that I am 80% efaced. I went back in on Thursday because I was feeling a lot of pressure and pain, so they put me on a monitor for about 2 hours and then he checked me again and said that yes I am having contractions but there was still no change. His guess is that I will have the baby in 2 1/2 weeks. I sure hope not I want to get this over with now!! Not that I have had problems, I am just ready to meet this little person! I am so eager, scared, excited, afraid. So many things right now I really dont know how to feel. I will keep posting on here until the day comes, then I will have to put pictures on here. My next appointment in on Tuesday so hopefully there will be some advancement in this thing!! All for now


Thursday, July 13, 2006

July 11 2006

I went to the doctor again on Tuesday and he told me that I am still measuring big, and that I am starting to thin out. I go weekly to the doctor and on the 18th the doctor said that he is going to start scraping membranes to help me thin out even more, Hopefully it wont be much longer and we will have our little guy. I will keep the update up as I go weekly to see the doc. We filled out paper work last night so when I have to go to the hospital all I need to do is call the doc and go. There will be no information given out to anyone over the phone so we will call you. That is about all for now. More info in the weeks to come.

Monday, June 26, 2006

New picture

This is another picture of the baby. We have not decided on a name yet!!


The baby is sticking his tongue out at us!! What a little stinker!!

Baby Campbell!!!!

Well here is our baby. With the way technology is now this is a 4-D image of him. It is really neat I think. I went to the doc today and this little bugger weighs almost 5.5 pounds already!!!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Birthing Classes

Every Monday this month we have had birthing classes. There were a total af ten pregnant women and their coach or coaches. Many of the couples are married but some are just dating and a few are the woman's mother or grandmother. The class itself wasn't that bad. Its like a refresher of the sex ed module of high school health class except they go into a little more detail. We've got to watch videos, learn breathing techniques, and had discussion about what we should expect. The worst part about the class is the length. It last from 6pm to 8:30pm.

We have one more class next Monday. We are going to be touring the labor and delivery ward at the hospital.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Baby news update

I went to the doctor on Friday June 2. I am 29 weeks along and the doctor said that I am measuring at 31 so we will definetely have pictures in a few weeks of the baby. Everything is still going good. No complictions, well except heart burn. As far as baby names are concerned we still have not yet decided. We probably wont until we see the baby, Family and friends have given us input and we appreciate it, but we have not yet came to a definite. Once we know we will share it with everyone. Thats about it for now. More in the weeks to come.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006


So do you all know that you can make a comment on a picture or something that we have posted?? Just asking if you do not know how there will be a little thing you can click on at the bottom of a picture or comment that says comments, just click on that and do what it says. We would love to hear what every one has to say about the baby, your thoughts, worries, or concerns, Let us know

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Lil boxer

Well I think that we are going to have a professional boxer in the family! In most of the pics he has his hands up in fists!!

Baby shots

The baby has his hand up to his face posing for mommy and daddy!

This picture the baby looks like a ghost! He is smiling at us for a picture.

New baby pics!!!

This is a few profile shots of the baby!

Status Update

We went back to the doctor yesterday for the official 22-24 week ultrasound. They examined the baby from head to toe looking at each of the major parts and organs to make sure the baby is developing normally. We got 15 or so new pictures to post and the whole ultrasound was recorded on VHS tape for us. Tash should have them posted soon.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Boy Parts

So here is a better view. The arrow shows the genitials, and then the legs on either side, and then the butt is at the top!! i hope you all can figure this out, cause I sure am having a hard time telling what it is I am looking at. I guess it will get clearer as the baby gets bigger!! Thats all for now.


The arrow shows all!!! I cant make anything out, but I guess that is the male body part!! (as the doctor called it "the wanger"!!!)

Heart rate

This is the baby's heart rate. It was very active and the rate was kinda high. The baby looks like an alien in this picture I think!!!

Side View

So here is a better view of the baby. He was very active at the appointment, so we did not get a very good shot this time around.

20 week

This is a profile of the little guy!!

Monday, April 03, 2006

Sex of baby

Well, we went back to the doctor again. We finally found out the sex of the baby. I wont keep you waiting. It is a boy!!!!! We are very excited.

Friday, March 31, 2006

Do you think the baby will be a boy or a girl?
Not Sure
Free polls from


To the Baby on the Way

To the one we love so much,we cannot wait to feel your touch.
To hear your laughs, to see your smiles, will help us through the many miles.
We look at you so small and frail,and hope as parents not to fail.
We'll try our best to do what's right,to show our love and never fight.
Our hearts will fill with many fears,our eyes wiill fill with many tears,
as you grow through out the years,and the diminishing time we spend together nears.
Though all of life will turn and bend,our love for you will never end.
These words are written with our love,to our blessing sent from above.

Saturday, March 25, 2006


So I have started to feel the baby move. I was not sure at first if that was what it was, but everyone that I have talked to said that it is probably the baby. So, there will be more news on April 3. That is when I go back to the doctor!!!

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Boy Names

Which baby boy name do you like best?
Aiden Lance
Landen Blake
Logan Cole
Mason Hunter
Trevor Parker
None of the Above
Free polls from

Girl Names

Which baby girl name do you like best?
Madison Leigh
Quinlynn Rae
Sydney Jo
Brooke Ann
Ashlyn Grace
None of the Above
Free polls from

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

16 Weeks - Thumb Sucking

The baby is sucking its thumb in this pic!!! How Cute!!!! Also taken March 3 2006.

16 Weeks

This was also taken March 3 2006. The doctor said this is a good skeletol visual of the baby. I am now 4 months.

16 Weeks - Heartbeat

This was at my last visit March 3 2006. The heart beat is shown in this picture.

12 Weeks - Profile

This was also taken in February. Big change since the last month. It's amazing!!

12 Weeks

This was taken February 3 2006. I was 3 months along this doctor visit.

8 Weeks - Peanut

Also taken January 9 2006. I was in what they called the peanut stage. That is what the baby kinda looks like.

8 Weeks

This one also taken January 9 2006.

8 Weeks - Embryo

This was taken January 9, 2006. This picture was one of the first ones we had taken of our baby. I was 2 month along.

16 Week Checkup

We went for our montly checkup on last Friday (March 3rd). We weren't scheduled for an ultrasound but the doctor tried to check the sex of the baby for us anyway. He was unsuccessful. The imbilical cord was in the way. The interesting thing was that the baby was sucking it's thumb. It was pretty neat to see.

I'll post some of our ultrasound pictures as soon as I get my scanner hooked up.