Birthday Counter by

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Snow...Snow...and yet more snow

We took Logan out in the snow to play this morning! He seemed to enjoy it.

The next Guitar Hero!!!!

Logan is trying to play Guitar Hero like mommy and daddy!!! He was really holding it the correct way!!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

New pics of Logan

This is Logan and Norman and Maxines wedding. Wayne also painted this picture of Logan! It is very good. I cant wait to have a copy for myself!!
Logan eating cereal at Mamaw and Papaws house! He loves to eat. He never misses a meal.


Logan had his picture taken with Santa several times this year! The first time he was not thrilled and then the second time he did not want to sit by him at all. Santa bribbed him with a candy cane!!

ER Trip

Logan pulled a glass stocking holder down on his head and we had to take him to the ER to have his head glued together. He had a 1 inch gash in his forehead. Crazy kid was back to his normal self right after it happened. He is fine now, his head is almost healed over, he is going to have a scar on his head though.