Birthday Counter by

Sunday, September 21, 2008

I have not updated on anything in a while. There has been a lot going on with Logan. First, Logan would throw these awful fits when waking up from naps. There was one that I don't think I will ever forget. This is how it went...

Logan woke up from nap, and I told him I was on the couch and to come sit with me. He just started screaming. I walk into his room to see what was wrong, and the look on his face, I will never forget. He had no clue who I was, his eyes were glassy, he was white as a ghost, and he was trying to hit me! I walked over to him and picked him up and sat on his bed with him, and Logan proceeded to punch me in the face and scream at me. He was trying to 'fight something' off of him. I laid him in his bed, covered him up, and left his room. I called Brandon at work to ask him what I should do, and he had no idea, by this time, I am crying, because I don't know how to help him. I called my mom and asked her what I should do, and she had no idea either. I hung up the phone, and I hear the water running in the bathroom. I walk in the bathroom and Logan has the HOT water on full blast with his hands under it...just standing there. I simply said "bubby what are you doing?" and he immediately fell to the floor and started screaming again. I picked him up and took him to his room, tucked him in bed, and closed the door. He came out of his room about a half hour later and came running to me and saying "mommy!" and gave me a huge hug.

Logan has had several episodes like this, I finally called the doctor and made an appointment, for several things. 1 he had an ear infection that needed checked on, 2 he had a terrible diaper rash, 3 he has been biting other kids, as well as other kids, and me, 4 he has been having these spells when he sleeps.

The visit to the doctor went well...Logan still has an ear infection, but it is clearing up. The biting is a phase that they say he will grow out of, and these episodes that he has been having is Night Terrors and Sleep Walking...There is nothing we can do about either one, just keep him safe when he is freaking out. They are passed down through genes too. Brandon and I both slept walked as kids...Poor kid has it in for him! Things are getting better! Jalapeno Peppers is my poison when Logan bites! He HATES them! When ever he bites, he has to lick a pepper. All I have to ask is..Do I need to go to the freezer? And he runs away covering his mouth saying NO NO NO....BUT, no more biting either!

All is good otherwise! More updates soon. I will have pics soon too!!!