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Monday, February 25, 2008

sickness is all over

Logan is finally over being sick. He is all better, his skin is all cleared up and he is feeling good. I think he is going thru a growth spurt, he is sleeping a lot these past few days, I dont know if he is playing catch up from the weekend, or what, but he didnt wake up at all last night and is sleeping longer at naps....Im lovin it!!! haha!!!!

Big Ol' tractor

Logan was driving a tractor at the Childrens Museum...

Childrens Museum Muncie

Logan was climbing in the ant hill at the Childrens Museum in Muncie this weekend!! He had a blast!!!

Logan on Thomas the train

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Curious George

Logan Mommy and Curious George at the Childrens fair!!!


We got to visit with Clifford at a childrens fair that PBS was putting on inMuncie....Logan had a lot of fun!!