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Saturday, October 04, 2008

Sleeping Better

Last "real" post I made about Logan was about him having night terrors and sleep walking. I guess it took going to the doctor and talking about it, because he is doing much better now! He still wakes up several times during the night to make sure there are no 'Monsters' in his room. Things are improving though!! I am so thankful. Logan has not been sleep walking either. I am so glad for that. Brandon and I both slept walked as kids...Ready to Halloween, trying to get over the fear of going outside in the dark and of Halloween stuff in general! I guess we shall see in a few weeks how he is doing!

Helper Monkey!

Logan had a car bed...well, it fell apart on us, so, we had to call upon Mamaw and Papaw...They brought Logan a new bed! He was so excited to get a new bed that he wanted to help sweep his bedroom floor! I must say, I think I found a new job for my little Helper Monkey! He did a good job!


Logan is going to be BATMAN for Halloween this year!! He is so excited...he keeps walking around with his pumpkin bucket saying "Trick or Treat" and "NaNaNa BATMAN" IT is quite funny!!